“Listening to God”


“Six long years here in the prison but I am not going to complain about it because if the Lord had not set me down, I would not understand what I really need to be doing in life.”  -Cherry Street Prison Offender

I have completed two full years of service here in the ministry at FJPM. It has blessed my life and my families more than I could have ever imagined. This statement was shared with me one day in a casual conversation with an offender at the Cherry Street Prison, but it relates well to my life and my time here at the ministry. I stepped out on a leap of faith to change job positions two years ago. It was a new work atmosphere for me, in similar fashion, as this man refers to his time in prison as God sitting him down, God led me to the ministry.

Isn’t it funny how true that statement can be for each of us? God uses situations to sit us down or lead us on the path that he has chosen for us, not the path of our own choice. We do not always know why, but he surely does. If we choose to let God lead our paths and remember 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight,” then we will do the work of God and not the work of our own choosing.


Brooke Stultz, Administrative Asst.

Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries