Two Locations.
One Savior.
For more than 45 years, Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries has worked with volunteers from churches across our community to share Christ’s love and compassion as a path to new life with thousands of incarcerated men and women, many of whom found not only a new life in Christ, but also a new life and second chance in the community after release.
“Remember those in prison as if you were in prison with them.” – Hebrews 13:3
FJPM currently ministers to more than 750 incarcerated men and women at the downtown Forsyth County Detention Center (jail) and the 250 men housed at the minimum-security Forsyth Correctional Center (prison) off Cherry Street.
Our Mission
Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries uses Christ’s love and forgiveness to transform lives and break the cycle of crime and punishment.
Get Involved
Our Ministry depends on you!! There are a number of ways to support this important and life changing work.
Ways to Give
- Online using a credit or debit card
- By Mail with a personal check
- Gifts of Stock and Other Securities
- Planned Giving
- United Way Contributions
Ways to Engage
- Pray for the Worship Services
- Provide Snacks
- Join the Thursday Yorkfellow Prison Ministry
- Collect Personal Hygiene articles
- Form a team in your church
- Help with outreach to inmate’s children
- Become a sponsor
- Invite a chaplain to speak at your church
- Hire an ex-offender to work at your business
Participate in Upcoming Events
Breakfast Fundraiser
October 29, 2025, 6:45am-8:15am
Our most significant fundraiser of the year!
Come hear life stories from our Transition to Work graduates who
invested time in pre-release courses to better themselves. Countless
ex-offenders have successfully transitioned from prison to community life. They
are blessed to be a blessing.
Benton Convention Center
301 West Fifth Street, W-S, NC
Contact us by September
30th to sponsor a table of 8 or to attend the breakfast.
Transition to Work
Transition to Work prepares inmates for release into the community via a 18-24 month pre-release four course curriculum focusing on life skills, decision making, and employment skills.