“Thank you again for helping me with my rent when I was released. I have been at my new job for 100 days and I’m doing the best I ever have and it might not have happened if you didn’t take a chance on me. My mother got to see me clean and doing great before she passed away and that’s comforting to me.” – TTW Graduate
Transition to Work
In 2015, the Transition to Work (TTW) Program was created to assist inmates at the Forsyth Correctional Center (prison) returning to Forsyth and surrounding counties in NC. The program provides pre-release courses for Forsyth Correctional offenders who have 18 months remaining on their sentence. If the offender completes the four course requirement, they qualify for the post-release support which includes housing assistance, transportation, job search help, clothing, and personal care items.
Fox8 Segment on Transition to Work
Studies show the general recidivism rate increases from 40% to 60% when an ex-offender cannot find employment. Pre-release job skills and life skills training leading to employment reduces recidivism to 15%.

Less than 7% of those who have graduated from the TTW program have reoffended.
“The Transition To Work Program was the most profitable use of my prison sentence. After 4 times in prison and the continuation of the vicious cycle of release and re-offending, I had given up hope. The classes and emotional support that TTW provided changed my life. The program supported me in prison, when I was released, and remains a very strong influence in my life today. I am working full-time, enrolled in school full-time and content with the direction of my life.”
If your business is interested in hiring ex-offenders, please email Jason Hawkins at jason@forsythjpm.org or call 336-759-0063.
Plan to Prosper Handbook
The Plan to Prosper handbook contains practical information and resources for ex-offenders returning to Forsyth County. This handbook is updated yearly and is posted online.
Eureka Ministry
Eureka Ministry helps male ex-offenders thrive in the community through a male mentorship program. Contact Harold Smith at 336-761-8407 or hsmith6643@aol.com.
SOAR Program - City of Winston-Salem
The Successful Outcomes After Release (SOAR) Program is designed to provide gainful employment to ex-offenders that meet program guidelines, while supplementing the city’s existing workforce in areas of critical need. The city will designate temporary positions for a period of six months, performing routine labor jobs such as landscaping, mowing, building maintenance, street cleaning, and assisting with housing code enforcement. In addition, participants will be provided life skills training.
Financial Planning Guide for Formerly Incarcerated
Download the resource guide below that aims to connect individuals and families to support services that provides sound financial advice for the formerly incarcerated. Ex-offenders face a unique set of issues all at once, from finding a job and a safe place to live to managing their income. This organization guides a person through goals for success.
Securing Housing After Incarceration
Informative article for the many adjustments for released individuals seaking housing.