Get Involved

Our Ministry depends on you!! There are a number of ways to support this important and life changing work.  Give, Participate, Volunteer, Pray, Share, and Bring a Friend!  

Give Online

Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported by individuals, local churches, and businesses. Click here to donate online.

Give by Mail

Make Checks payable to Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries
PO Box 11802, Winston-Salem, NC 27116

Purchase from Amazon Wish List

Click HERE to view our Amazon Wishlist. Choose the items you want to purchase and have them shipped directly to FJPM. 

Donate a vehicle

Donate a reliable vehicle to a Transition to Work graduate and help support their ability to get to work and be successful in our community. For more information, please email Mark Hogsed at

Gifts of Stock and other Securities

For gifts of stock and other securities, the fair market value is tax deductible. Please email Holly Kessler at for documentation on transfer procedures.

Gifts of Cryptocurrency

For gifts of cryptocurrency, click HERE to make your donation.

Planned Giving

Designating Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries in your estate planning will ensure chaplains continue sharing the hope and love of Christ in Winston-Salem.

Please notify us of your inclusion of Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries in your estate planning by contacting Holly Kessler at (336) 759-0063 or

United Way Contributions

You may designate your United Way pledge to Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries using the designated code, #2086

Participate in Upcoming Events

Breakfast Fundraiser

October 29, 2025, 6:45am-8:15am 

Our most significant fundraiser of the year!  

Come hear life stories from our Transition to Work graduates who invested time in pre-release courses to better themselves. Countless ex-offenders have successfully transitioned from prison to community life. They are blessed to be a blessing.

Benton Convention Center
301 West Fifth Street
Winston-Salem, NC.

Contact Holly Kessler by September 30th to sponsor a table of 8 or attend the breakfast.

Fun with Father

Fun with Father allows offenders a unique opportunity to spend quality time with their children. The program consists of a day filled with crafts and recreational activities to strengthen relationships, increase problem solving skills, build trust, and challenge fears. A spiritual component is incorporated also. Leading up to the day of family activities, a class on fatherhood is taught by our FJPM chaplains. 

“My son really needed this
special time with his father.”

Contact Brooke Stultz for ways you can be involved in this program.

In the Name of the Father Christmas Event

In the Name of the Father is a community-supported annual Christmas party for Cherry Street offenders. The week before the program, inmates “shop” through donated gifts for his children. On a Saturday in December, offenders and their children gather in the Chapel for a Christmas program and sharing of gifts.

“Thank you so much! No other program like this exists in other facilities around the state.”

Contact Brooke Stultz for ways you can be involved in this program.


There are a number of ways you can help!

  • Pray for the offenders, inmates, and staff, impact of worship services and Bible studies, and effectiveness of life skill classes.
  • Provide snacks for one of the weekly ministry programs.
  • Participate in the Thursday Yokefellow Prison Ministry.
  • Collect full size personal hygiene articles: bar soap, non-aerosol deodorant, toothpaste, and shampoo for inmates.
  • Form a team in your church to pray for offenders and inmates and their families.
  • Help with an outreach to the offender’s children.
  • Become a sponsor and mentor for male offenders.
  • Invite an FJPM staff person to speak at your church.
  • Hire an ex-offender to work for your business. 

Call (336) 759-0063 for more information and a rewarding opportunity to serve.