FJPM Sustainers honors those supporters who gave monthly or quarterly gifts to the ministry in 2024. Recurring gifts can be made in whatever amount suits your budget and help us forecast our cash flow.

Anonymous (2) 

Ardmore Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist Church

Pecolia Breathette

Calvary Baptist Church

Robbin Carmichael

Sharon & David Chancey

Katherine Chavis

Clemmons First Baptist Church

Joel Cook 

Covenant Community Church

Jean & Schuyler Darstein

Glenda & Isaac Disher

First Presbyterian Church

Fraternity Church of the Brotherhood

Friedland Moravian Church

Dara & Chris Gunnell

Adam Hogsed

Nikki & Mark Hogsed

Rick Hogsed

Home Moravian Church

Kairos – The Church Without Walls

Knollwood Baptist Church

Danielle & Michael Lamphier

Living Stone Church

Dallas Lyalls

Ben Maree

Mary Matthews

Bertram McElhiney

Valerie & Brad Millsaps

Chelsea & Harry Neal

Barry Nelson

Roge Nelson

Old Town Baptist Church

Pinedale Christian Church

Pro-Tect Pest Elimination

Reynolda Church

River Oaks Community Church

Leigh Ann Sanders

Take-Off Monkey

Jay Thomas

Caroline & Parker Umstead

United Metropolitan Missionary  Baptist Church

Betty Lou & Gary Vontsolos

Wat-R-Boy Purification Systems

James Williams

FJPM Founders honors those supporters who have given $100,000+ in lifetime giving. This long-term support has enabled the ministry to operate for more than 45 years. As a member of FJPM Founders, you will receive a welcome letter, a certificate, and a pack of 5 notecards featuring an offender’s artwork.

Centenary United Methodist Church

Amy & Temp Elliott

First Presbyterian Church

Hayes Family Charitable Trust

Charles Helton

Highland Presbyterian Church

Home Moravian Church

Janet & Keith Huskins

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

Knollwood Baptist Church

Karen & Terry Lefler

Libby & Terry Lockamy

Reynolda Church

Reynolds American Services

Richard J. Reynolds, III & Marie M. Reynolds Foundation

River Oaks Community Church

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

The Budd Group


FJPM Legacy honors those supporters who have made plans for a bequest or estate gift. This future support ensures the continuation of the ministry for years to come. As a member of FJPM Legacy, you will receive a welcome letter, a set of coffee mugs and a pack of 10 notecards featuring an offender’s artwork. If you have made an estate plan that includes FJPM, please notify Holly Kessler at

Lara & Mark Hampton

Karen & Terry Lefler

Jeanette Millsaps