More than 600 donors give sacrificially each year to support the work of Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries. We are grateful for every gift!
Anonymous (7)
Steven Ackley
William and Dana Adams
Nancy C. Alexander
Elms and Harriett Allen
Miller and Alice Allen
Warren and Elizabeth Allen
Kate Allman
Kevin Altman
Gayle Anderson and Carey Hedgpeth
Warren K. Anderson
Kalim and Paula Andraos
Jeffrey and JoAnna Andrews
Ardmore Baptist Church
Ardmore Moravian Church
Ardmore United Methodist
Lucy F. Armfield
Edward and Darlene Armstrong
Willliam C. Armstrong
Augsburg Lutheran Church
Sam Auringer
Jonathan and Jane Aves
Dennis and Elizabeth Ayers
Joel and Foy Baillie
John and Anita Bain
Leslie and Suzanne Baker
Marcia T. Baker
Charles and Ann Barham
Maxwell and Dawson Bartholomew
Roberts and Judy Bass
Scott and Elaine Bauer
Michael and Julie Baughan
Be Gailee
Sanford Beard
Beck’s Baptist Church
Mike and Donna Beeson
Chase G. Bennett
Graham and Janice Bennett
Alan Bentley
William G. Benton
Bethany Baptist Church
Lee and Linda Bettis
Hardt and Emily Bing
Jeremy and Shawn Black
Charles E. Blackwell
Cynthia Blair
Mickey and Katy Boles
Jon and Mary Bolton
Dave and Betsy Bombick
Christopher and Carol Bonner
Richard Brajer
Pecolia Breathette
Anthony H. Brett
Mary Jo Brewer
Paul and Janet Brice
Carolyn Britt
Robert and Kathy Brookby
Rebecca Browder
David and Callie Brown
Foy and Tracy Brown
Leslie Brown
Michael Brown
Jessie and Phyllis Brown
Walter and Betsy Brown
Dale and Linda Browne
Buckeye Advisors
Sharon Buford
Kevin and Suzanne Burke
Martha Burnette
Richard and Brooke Burr
Chris and Anne Butler
Gary and Emily Cagle
Alan and Lisa Caldwell
Called to Bless
Calvary Baptist Church
Peter Capece
Mary E. Caponera
Elise Carey
Robbin Carmichael
Carolina Kitchen Repair
Kelly Carpenter
Peggy Carter
Jeff and Tracy Carter
Ronald and Cecelia Cauble
Jane Caviness
Sandy Cecile
Centenary United Methodist
Center Grove Church
Deborah C. Cesta
David and Sharon Chancey
Ka’thy Gore Chappell
Katherine W. Chavis
Skip and Cathy Chinlund
Doris Chunn
Frank Cikutovuich
Clemmons First Baptist
Clemmons Moravian Church
William and Meredith Clifton
Michael Clyburn
Bart and Patricia Coan
Coca-Cola Consolidated
Randy Cochran
Tommy and Betty Cole
College Park Baptist
William and Nancy Colvin
Come and Worship Moravian Church
Community Bible Church
Cheryl Conner
Floyd and Darnella Cook
Joel and Alison Cook
Carolyn H. Coram
Terri Cornellius
Terry and Phyllis Cornett
Clark Cothran
Covenant Community Church
Covenant Word Ministries
Thomas and Donna Cox
Trey and Roonie Craig
Thomas and Jane Craven Sr.
George and Fran Crew
Crews United Methodist Women
Doris G. Cribbs
Joseph and Carol Crocker
Carol Crooks
Christine Cropps
William and Judy Crow
Shari Dallas
John and Carol Danforth
Schuyler and Jean Darstein
Mark and Sherry Davidson
Linwood and Martha Davis
Robert and Winston Davis Jr.
Grace Davis
Owen Davis
Roncisco Davis
William and Jennifer Davis
David and Julie Day
Melanie Delahanty
Thomas and Annette Deleot
Demarko Realty, LLC
Frank Deveney
John and Mary Jane Dewees
James and Brenda Diggs
Isaac and Glenda Disher
Catherine Dixon
Wayne and Peggy Dodson
Pete and Cynthia Donaldson
Mark and Paula Donham
John J. Doyle
Jeffery and Laura Dray
Peter Drost
Michael and Laura Drye
Paul Dumas
JoAnn Dunn
David and Daughn Eagan
Paul and Shirley Edmond Jr.
Charles and Judy Edwards
Mark Edwards
Charlotte Eggers
Brendan and Donnay Elkins
Gary and Trudy Elkins
Temp and Amy Elliott
Joe and Kathy Ely
Robert and Carolyn Ely
Ronald K. Embry
Judith C. Emken
Emmaus Road Partners
George and Patsy Ernst
Joseph and Sharon Eskridge
Robert and Laura Esleeck
Shawn and Beverly Everett
David and Sherrie Fain
Kenneth T. Farrington
Fellowship Baptist Church
Steve and Eva Jane Felts
Elizabeth Fenwick
Lucille Ferrante
Queen Esther Missionaries First Bapt. Church
First Baptist Church
First Baptist on Fifth
First Presbyterian Church
Cornelious and Alma Flood
Ben and Rita Floyd
Dale and Synthia Folwell
Forsyth County Farm Bureau, Inc.
Chad and Erin Foster
Fred E. Foster III
Frank Ward Insurance Agency
Fraternity Church of the Brethren
Sharon Freenea
Tracy W. Frennea
Donald and Linda Frey
Friedland Moravian Church
Marlene Fulp
Jeff and Sherry Gallisdorfer
Chris and Joy Gambill
Robert and Sheila Garcia
Kathryn W. Garner
Scott and Brenda Gerding
Paul T. Gilchrist
Lisa Gilmore
Kirk Glenn Jr.
Donna Goins
Philip M. Golden
Philip and Julianne Golden
Clive and JoAnn Goodson
Judy Goodson
Goodwill Baptist Church
J.R. Gorham
J.R. and Barbara Gorham
James and Beth Graham
Danielle Gram
Abraham and Barbara Grant
Greek Orthodox Philoptochos Society-Prostasia Chapter
John and Sarah Griffenhagen
Austin Griffin
Jerrye Griffin
Thomas A. Griffin
Irvin Grigg Sr.
Troy Gulbrandsen
Christopher and Dara Gunnell
Douglas and Anne Gunnell
Jo Ann Gustafson
Michael and Lynn Gwyn
Martha L. Haire
Josh and Kayla Hammaker
Hampton House Art & Frame
Tejado and Victoria Hanchell
Harry and Martha Harkey
Diane B. Harper
George and Barbara Harris
Michael and Pamela Harris
Randy & Carol Ann Harris
John and Anne Harrison
Eric and Tammy Harvell
Laura J. Hauser
Robert and Robin Hayes
Jeffrey and Phyllis Heitman
James and Jane Helvey
Bobby and Bonnie Henderson
Suzanne Henderson
Dwayne Hendrix
Highland Presbyterian
Dion and Keish Hilliard
Jonathan Hilliard
Aurelia Hill-Mack
Hillsdale Fund, Inc.
Kathy Hines
Alan and Carol Hoal
Adam Hogsed
Mark and Nikki Hogsed
Rick Hogsed
Toussaint and Lettie Holland
Fonda Holly
Kenneth Holly
Home Moravian Church
Roger Horton
Lana Howard
Perry Hudspeth
Joan R. Huggins-Pfaff
Robert L. Hulvey
Yolanda Hunter
Keith and Janet Huskins
Stephen and Lynn Hux
Sheila Hydrick
Jeff and Kim Ickes
William and Maureen Irwin
Sandra Iselin
Al-Waddod and Addie Jabbar
Harold Jackson
Sanjay Jain
Joshua A. Jarvis
JDL Castle Corporation
Donald Jenkins
Gordon and Ann Jenkins
James and Regina Jenkins
Johnson & Johnson
Betsy Johnson
Dona Johnson
Joan Johnson
Lauren Johnson
Phillip and Emily Johnson
Ted and Oralia Johnson
Thomas and Denise Johnson
Champ and Grace Jones
Patricia Jones
Sheree H. Jones
Frederick and Belinda Jorgenson
Richard and Ellen Joyce
William and Mary Ann Joyce
Elwood Clinard Jr.
Ralph and Carey D’Agostino, Jr.
Kairos-The Church Without Walls
Anthony Kantor
James and Catherine Kennedy Jr.
Cameron and Sue Kent
Rich and Nancy Keshian
Jeff and Holly Kessler
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
David A. Kindy
Charles and Patsy King Jr.
Bobby and Brenda King
Kelly King
Tony King
Philip and Louise Kinken Jr.
Franklin and Jean Kirk
Trinette H. Kirkman
Gary and Jill Knight
Mary Eva Knight
Knollwood Baptist Church
Paul and Nola Knouse
Konnoak Hills United Methodist Church
Eileen M. Kress
Gregory Krull
George and Margie Lamb
Matthew Lamb
Kaye Lambert
Michael and Danielle Lamphier
Robert and Kay Landry
Larry Childress Insurance Services, Inc.
Terry Larson
Gloria Lawrence
Thomas and Megan Lawson
Jeffrey and Barbara Lawyer
Anthony and Melissa Ledbetter
Terry and Karen Lefler
Robert and Emily Lemons
Charles and Janice Lewis
Life of Victory of Christ Ministries
Bruno Lima
Mike Lindel
Steven and Molly Lineberger
Renita Linville
Jesse and Louise Livengood
Living Stone Church
John and Lili Loftis
Judy P. Long
Duane Long
Phyllis Long
Edward and Julia Lopez
Frank and Kay Lord
Tommy and Joyce Love
Cameron Lovitt
Kevin Lyall
Dallas and Teresa Lyalls
Briggett Lyles
Charles Lyon
Macedonia Baptist Church
Francine G. Madrey
Beth and Ken Maree
Dawn Marsh
Christopher S. Martin
Moir and Debra Martin
Marshall and Linda Mathers
George and Carolyn Matthews
Mary Matthews
Selwyn H. Matthews
Michael and Mary McCandless
Bertram N. McElhiney Jr.
Emily McGee
Frank and Laura McNair
Anthony McQueen
Frederick Mende
Dolores K. Messner
Joseph and Sandy Mickler
Edgar and Beverly Miller
David Miller, Jr.
Brad and Valerie Millsaps
Carol Mitchell
William and Joni Mixon
Philip and Tracy Mohr
Jim and Ann Monroe
David and Juanita Montgomery
Richard and Mary Lou Moore
Stephen and Martha Moore
Moravian Ministries Foundation of America
G.L. Morgan
Roy and Kathy Morgan
Margaret Morgan
Mount Tabor United Methodist
David Mounts Gonzales
Jarryd Moxley
Mrs. Hanes Moravian Cookie & Bakery
Mt. Carmel United Methodist
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Christopher and Ansley Munnelly
Brandon Musten
Jimmie Myers
NC Mobile Refrigeration, Inc.
NC State Government
NCS Vinebranch, Inc.
Harry and Chelsea Neal
Joyce Neely
Peter and Cheryl Nehnevajsa
Barry and Beth Nelson
Roge Nelson
David and Deborah Newsome
David Niblock
Larry and Jean Nicholson
Donald and Patricia Nielsen
Jennifer Noped
Matt Norman
Novant Health
Old Town Baptist
Peter and Jill Olsen
Steve and Mary Ann Olson
Omega PSI PHI Fraternity
Richard and Sandra Ouellette
Ray and Cathy Owen
Dennis W. Palmer
Clyde and Kimberly Parker
Charles and DeWala Parker
Lamar and Marilyn Parker
Paula Parks
Charles and Lucie Patton
Tony and Nera Perkins
John and Becky Perkinson
Gloria W. Peters
Glenn Pettiford
Jim and Roberta Pettit
Pfafftown Christian Church
Robert Phelps
Kay M. Phillips
Frederick and Anne Philpott
Lee and Lisa Phipps
Piedmont Federal Bank
Piedmont Triad Anesthesia, PA
Pinedale Christian Church
George and Judy Plonk
O.N. and Gail Pope
Dean and Jennifer Powell
Deb Pozebanchuk
Brooke Preslar
Cecil and Resa Price
Richard H. Priest
Alan and Gina Proctor
Property Exchange
Pro-Tect Pest Elimination Services, Inc.
Pruning Perfection and Landscape
Quality Oil Company
David and Shannon Rainey
Elaine Rector
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Barbara Reece
Matthew W. Reece
Derek and Alli Reid
Jone Reid
Revelations of Faith Church, Inc.
Reynolda Church
Anne D. Rigby
River Oaks Community Church
William and Heather Rivers
John and Lynn Roach
Danny and Annette Roberson
Gary Roberts
Leonard and Pam Robinett
Edwin and Vicki Robins
Lindsay Robinson
Michael L. Robinson
Gary Roby
Hal and Karen Rollins
Wayne and Allison Roquemore
Rotary Club of Winston-Salem
James and Andrea Rowdy Jr.
Rhett M. Russ
Robert and Kirsten Russ
Hernan Sabio
Saints Home UMC
Leigh Ann Sanders
Darryl and Vivia Scales
Alan and Phyllis Scardina
Gary and Susan Schambach
Eric and Karen Schoulda
Timothy and Dawn Sechrest
Margaret Sehon
Shady Grove Wesleyan
Timothy and Glenda Shelton
Shepherding Fund
Shiloh Baptist Church
Richard and Elizabeth Sides
Henry and Kathy Sigmon
Evelynn R. Simmons
Elizabeth L. Simpson
Paul Sinal
Gray and Leigh Smith
Justin Smith
Kenny and Amy Smith
Linda Smith
Roger and Sheila Smith
Bruce and Sara Smith
Debbie Smothers
John and Nancy Southard
Thomas and Laura Spangler
Gordon and Nancy Spaugh
Robert and Kaye Spaugh
George Sperry
Charles W. Spong II
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Peter’s World Outreach Center
Bodiford and Lee Stackhouse
Elinor Starling
William and Sandy Steele
Chase Stevens
Rodney and Beth Stilwell
Stuart Stogner
Robin Stone
Stonebreaker, LLC
Justin Strickland
Tyler and Brooke Stultz
Charles and Martha Sutton
James and Julie Swanner
John and Janice Swartzbaugh Jr.
David and Gayle Swayne
Byran and Suzanne Tabor
Takeoff Monkey
Russell and Sarah Talley
Joseph and Bonnie Taylor
Ronald and Merle Tedder
James M. Temples Jr.
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
The Budd Group, Inc.
The Go-To Winston-Salem
The Malmo Group, LLC
The Wesleyan Church
Jay Thomas
Ray Thomas
Robert B. Thomason III
Virginia Tobiassen
Triangle Community Foundation, Inc.
David and Marilyn Triplett
Jeffrey and Deanne Trollinger
Charles Turner
Elizabeth K. Turner
Wes and Bernee Tuttle
TW Garner Food Company
Twin City Kiwanis Foundation of Winston-Salem, Inc.
Two Cities Church
Barbara S. Tysinger
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Parker and Caroline Umstead
Union Cross Baptist
United Metropolitan Missionary Baptist
United Way
Dewey and Betty Ann Upshaw
John and Joy Van Zandt
Kevin M. Vaughan
Ramon and Sonia Velez
Peter and Christine Venable
Keith and Salem Vest
Robert E. Veto
Lelia Vickers
Wayne and Sharon VonSeggen
Gary and Betty Lou Vontsolos
Brent and Laura Waddell
Jeff and Suzanne Wade
Richard and Anne Wagner
Roscoe and Martha Wall
Roby Walls
Joseph and Freeda Ward
Sherron Warren
Andrew Watkin
Wat-R-Boy Purfication Systems, Inc.
Nat E. Watson Jr.
Charles Watson
Robert L. Watson
Dudley and Kathy Watts
Helen W. Webb
Janice R. Weeks
Elizabeth M. Weir
John Wells
Claudette Weston
Keith and Leah Wheeler
Fred and Joan Whitaker
Teresa J. White
Jay and Jeanette Wilhelmi
Carol Wilkinson
Charles and Ellen Willard
Dale and Anne Willard
Jeremy and Amy Willard
Terry and Christie Williams
Darrell and Betty Williams
James Williams
Joeff and Shawn Williams
John and Glenda Williams
Truett Williams
Phillip and Susan Williford
Daniel Wilson
Powell and Trudy Winstead
Melissa Wittner
Robert Wittner
Kirsten Wolberg
Womble Bond Dickinson
Edward and Deborah Woodley
Gloria L. Woods
Scott and Margaret Wray
Ronald and Amy Wright
James E. Yarbrough Jr.
Wayne and Ann Yelverton
Patricia A. Yokely
Nancy Young